Many people who are convicted of crimes are sentenced to probation, either after or instead of prison sentences. While probation offers substantially more freedom than imprisonment, defendants sentenced to probation typically must comply with numerous conditions. People that fail to do so and violate the terms of their probation may face significant consequences. Thus, it is critical for parties sentenced to probation to understand what constitutes a violation and what may occur if they violate the conditions of their probation. If you were charged with a crime or are currently accused of violating your probation, it is smart to meet with a knowledgeable Tampa criminal defense attorney to discuss your rights.
Violations of Probation Under Florida Law
Probation is a type of community supervision in which a person convicted of a crime must comply with specific conditions and terms instead of being sent to prison. If a person violates a term of his or her probation, it may result in significant penalties, up to revocation of probation.
A violation of probation happens when a person substantially and willfully fails to comply with the conditions and terms of his or her probation. Whether a violation is both substantial and willful is assessed based on the facts of each case. The State bears the burden of proving a violation occurred, but it faces a lesser burden than in other criminal matters. Specifically, the State merely has to prove a violation occurred by the greater weight of the evidence, rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. Continue Reading ›